(function($){ $(document).ready(function () { }); var contact = { message: null, open: function (dialog) { // add padding to the buttons in firefox/mozilla if ($.browser.mozilla) { $('#contact-container .contact-button').css({ 'padding-bottom': '2px' }); } // input field font size if ($.browser.safari) { $('#contact-container .contact-input').css({ 'font-size': '.9em' }); } // dynamically determine height var h = 280; if ($('#contact-subject').length) { h += 26; } if ($('#contact-cc').length) { h += 22; } var title = $('#contact-container .contact-title').html(); $('#contact-container .contact-title').html('loading...'); dialog.overlay.fadeIn(200, function () { dialog.container.fadeIn(200, function () { dialog.data.fadeIn(200, function () { $('#contact-container .contact-content').animate({ height: h }, function () { $('#contact-container .contact-title').html(title); $('#contact-container form').fadeIn(200, function () { $('#contact-container #contact-name').focus(); $('#contact-container .contact-cc').click(function () { var cc = $('#contact-container #contact-cc'); cc.is(':checked') ? cc.attr('checked', '') : cc.attr('checked', 'checked'); }); // fix png's for IE 6 if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) { $('#contact-container .contact-button').each(function () { if ($(this).css('backgroundImage').match(/^url[("']+(.*\.png)[)"']+$/i)) { var src = RegExp.$1; $(this).css({ backgroundImage: 'none', filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' + src + '", sizingMethod="crop")' }); } }); } }); }); }); }); }); }, show: function (dialog) { $('#contact-container .contact-send').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // validate form if (contact.validate()) { var msg = $('#contact-container .contact-message'); msg.fadeOut(function () { msg.removeClass('contact-error').empty(); }); $('#contact-container .contact-title').html('Sending..'); //$('#contact-container form').fadeOut(200); $('#contact-container .contact-content').animate({ height: '280px' }, function () { $('#contact-container .contact-loading').fadeIn(200, function () { $.ajax({ url: 'http://www.liceum.boguchwala.pl/wp-content/plugins/registration-login/registration.php', data: $('#contact-container form').serialize() + '&action=send', type: 'post', cache: false, dataType: 'html', success: function (data) { /* $('#contact-container .contact-loading').fadeOut(200, function () { $('#contact-container .contact-title').html('Thank you!'); msg.html(data).fadeIn(200); }); */ $('#contact-container .contact-loading').fadeOut(200); if (data=='username') { $('#contact-container .contact-content').animate({ height: '280px' }, function () { $('#contact-container .contact-message').html($('
') .append('Login Name already exist.')).fadeIn(200); $('#contact-container .contact-title').html('Registration'); }); } else if (data=='email') { $('#contact-container .contact-content').animate({ height: '280px' }, function () { $('#contact-container .contact-message').html($('') .append('E-mail address already exist.')).fadeIn(200); $('#contact-container .contact-title').html('Registration'); }); } else { var msg = $('#contact-container .contact-message'); msg.fadeOut(function () { msg.removeClass('contact-error').empty(); $('#contact-container form').fadeOut(200); $('#contact-container .contact-content').animate({ height: '80px' }, function () { $('#contact-container .contact-title').html('Thank you'); msg.html(data).fadeIn(200); }); }); } }, error: contact.error }); }); }); } else { if ($('#contact-container .contact-message:visible').length > 0) { var msg = $('#contact-container .contact-message div'); msg.fadeOut(200, function () { msg.empty(); contact.showError(); msg.fadeIn(200); }); } else { $('#contact-container .contact-message').animate({ height: '30px' }, contact.showError); } } }); }, close: function (dialog) { $('#contact-container .contact-message').fadeOut(); $('#contact-container .contact-title').html('Good bye...'); $('#contact-container form').fadeOut(200); $('#contact-container .contact-content').animate({ height: 40 }, function () { dialog.data.fadeOut(200, function () { dialog.container.fadeOut(200, function () { dialog.overlay.fadeOut(200, function () { $.modal.close(); }); }); }); }); }, error: function (xhr) { alert(xhr.statusText); }, validate: function () { contact.message = ''; var username = $('#contact-container #username').val(); if (!username) { contact.message += ' Need valid usernane.