Absolwenci LOB
Kolejni absolwenci LOB, rocznik 2023 odwiedzają nas, każde takie spotkanie niesie dużo radości i mnóstwo wspomnień. Rozmawialiśmy o tym, co było, jak sytuacja...
The idea of creating a high school in Boguchwała was in minds of local people since the political transformation in Poland took place. Re-granting a charter on 1st January of 2008 was probably that moment of the modern history of the town when people started considering the way to fill town’s municipal character and complete this area- besides official institutions and administrative structures- with typical urban features.
The Mayor and Town Council of Boguchwała noticed an opportunity to change town’s image in the development of not only infrastructure, renovation of roads and public transport connecting adjacent villages, but also creating new public institutions meeting local community’s needs. In 2010 City Council founded High School in Boguchwała. The foundation act dated on 1st September 2010 confirms the foundation of a first in history of Boguchwała High School. The management of High School was given to Zbigniew Kalandyk who was supposed to have five years term of office. The vision of the local government and labour of many people finally materialised at a time of the start of the statutory activity of the school.
Since its very beginnings, High School started to build its positive image with teachers’ and students’ solid work. The local environment firmly supported this work and the need to support young, but systematically developing High School, was a foundation for creating Society Of Friends of High School in Boguchwała which started its activity in 2012. Before the historical, the first inauguration of a school year in High School took place on 1st of September 2010, there was a chain of actions started by the town Mayor- Wiesław Dronka. People, who saw a way of filling this new, urban perspective of a town, were also involved. However, there was still a place for those who wanted to support the development of High School.
Since the foundation, High School has been strengthening its status. The constant increase in students’ number proves it. During the first year there were 25 students, then 64, in the third one there were 109 pupils and in 2013 as many as 116 students divided into 6 groups.
In 2013 a bilingual group was created and that was the sign that school changed its profile a little bit, becoming High School with Bilingual Classes. The great advantage of the curriculum at school is free choice of all available subjects on advanced level including foreign languages- English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Each student projects their own path of educational development. Students are supported by carefully selected teachers (including foreigners) with high qualifications and academic or international experience. The history of High School’s development confirming solid school position in the voivodeship is documented in the Year Book released by Society of Friends of High School in Boguchwała.
High School in Boguchwała is located in an exceptional place. It is placed in the palace built in 18th century by prince Teodor Konstanty Lubomirski.
Boguchwała was found in the second half of 14th century, however, until 1728 it was called Piotraszówka, probably due to the name of its founder. The contemporary name appeared with granting a charter with the great help of T.K. Lubomirski. The prince wanted to change the village into a centre of urban life which could successfully compete with located nearby Rzeszów. However, this daring idea, was not realized. Nonetheless, he managed to realize the foundation of a palace near a beautiful park and garden.
The previous owners of Piotraszówka had lived in a baronial, however, too modest for rich magnat’s needs, mansion, which was originally built of wood. Over the years it was numerously renovated and fortified with the ground and wooden strengthenings which helped its owners in a successful defence against Tartar’s raid in 1624. Moreover, Andrzej Ligęza was able to resist Stanisław Stadnicki, also known as The Devil from Łańcut. In the second half of 17th century the old, wooden mansion was replaced with a completely new mansion made of bricks. It was the place where the prince decided to build his summer stately home.
The project of the palace referred to fashionable Italian models. Unfortunately, the architect’s name is unknown. Undoubtedly, the masterpiece built by him was one of the most dignified examples of late baroque architecture in Poland. It was built in the shape of a rectangle, 134 metres long. It was divided into three pavilions located on the first floor connected with the ground floor. From the side of the garden, there was an arcaded gallery. Multileveled garden was created with the use of two stone and one earthen terrace. Within the garden a fashionable hothouse was placed. The pond with little island overlooking the neighbourhood area made the park look even more charming.
After the founder’s death the manor was passed to Antoni Lubomirski mortgaged and sold it. Due to family conflicts, the palace was in a bad condition in the second half of 18th century. Probably during the conflict time, sizeable part of a residence was set on fire, also its neighbourhood was devastated. Since that the palace has never been rebuilt in an original form. Due to this fact it started to be named “mansion”- typical for more modest nobility residences. Another owners renovated the mansion, they also built some additional buildings nearby. More serious changes were implanted in the second half of 20th century- it was completely renovated, including e.g. new elevation, floors, roof and stone terrace.
The last owner of the manor, Wanda Suszycka, passed it with surroundings in 1921 to a foundation created by her and her dead husband. She wanted this gift to contribute to the economic and scientific development of revived Poland. Her idea was realized by creating Agriculture and Scientific Institutions named after Wanda and Zenon Suszycki in Boguchwała. Since then, until today, within the manor’s area, different companies try to continue Suszycki’s heritage. Currently, PODR- the centre of agricultural consultancy is operating here.
The palace with its surroundings has always encouraged to stay here for a longer amount of time. The unique atmosphere helps relaxation as well as harmonious intellectual development. It was habited by exceptional people, great patriots valuing education, and we believe that their protective spirit accompanies us all the time.
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