Absolwenci LOB
Kolejni absolwenci LOB, rocznik 2023 odwiedzają nas, każde takie spotkanie niesie dużo radości i mnóstwo wspomnień. Rozmawialiśmy o tym, co było, jak sytuacja...
I graduated from Technical University of Gdańsk in Mathematics. I also graduated from University of Halmstad in Financial Mathematics receiving Master of Science degree. Furthermore, I completed post-graduate course in pedagogy at University of Rzeszów.
I am experienced at teaching students at the middle school level. I am currently working in High School in Boguchwała where I teach Mathematics in traditional and bilingual groups.
Teaching Mathematics is my passion, that is why, I am strongly engaged in my work. I would like Maths to be an interesting subject for my students, I hope studying this subject will give them lots of satisfaction.
I spend my free time (I don’t have much of it, though) on fitness classes. I also like travelling, cycling and solving logic problems.
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