Absolwenci LOB
Kolejni absolwenci LOB, rocznik 2023 odwiedzają nas, każde takie spotkanie niesie dużo radości i mnóstwo wspomnień. Rozmawialiśmy o tym, co było, jak sytuacja...
I graduated from Physics with teaching specialty at WSP in Rzeszów, I also studied for a year at Department of Aviation at University of Technology in Rzeszów.
I used to work in every type of school, at every educational level (where Physics is in curriculum), I also used to work for Educational Publishing House FOSZE in Rzeszów.
During the course of studies I was employed as a trainee assistant and after graduating as an assistant in Department of Astrophysics of Physics Institute of WSP in Rzeszów. I had my intership at Astronomical Observatory UMK in Toruń where I had the possibility of observing comets with the biggest telescope in Poland. I also cooperated with Astronomical Observatory UJ- thanks to the kindness of its workers I was able to organize a few scientific camps for my students at Observatory Station on UJ in Roztoki Górne. I published one scientific work in Acta Astronomica „The Active Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925)”. As a student I spent a lot of time in the observatory, I observed the Sun, the Moon, stars, nebulas, Halley’s comet, meteors.
Working with the youth is extremely satisfying for me. In order to increase the level of attractiveness of my classes I utilize projected and created by myself prototypes of different didactic tools (made of unnecessary materials like broken toys, AGD equipment etc.) modeled on tools used in the past by great Physicsts. I draw students’ attention especially to physical phenomena. I try to explain how they work, but also want to present the historical background of some discoveries as well as anecdotes or interesting facts.
My hobbies are tightly connected with NATURE- since the beginning and evolution of the Universe, stars, Solar System, microworld (paradoxically research on the smallest components of matter 100 years ago allowed to explain the mechanism of shining of stars and the beginning of the Universe) through animated nature- the creation and evolution of life, dinosaurs world etc. Within my interests, there is a place for history also- especially ancient times and II World War, as well as archeology and prehistory. I am still passionate about aviation- I obtained a glider pilot license.
- The Active Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925), 1989, Acta Astronomica 39, 183-193;
- Komety ostatnich lat, 1993, Postępy Astronomii 3/93, 121-134;
- Kometa Brorsena -Metcalfa 1989o – trzecie pojawienie, 1990, Urania 10, 298-299 (oraz zdjęcia na wszystkich stronach okładki);
- Kometa Brorsena- Metcalfa (1847V, 1919III), 1989, Urania 6, 181-183;
- Obserwacja jasnego meteoru, 1998, Urania 11, 348;
- Jeszcze o dinozaurach, 1988, Urania 11, 349-350;
- Całkowite zaćmienie Księżyca 17 października 1986 roku, 1987, Urania 3, 90 (oraz zdjęcia na trzeciej stronie okładki).
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