Absolwenci LOB
Kolejni absolwenci LOB, rocznik 2023 odwiedzają nas, każde takie spotkanie niesie dużo radości i mnóstwo wspomnień. Rozmawialiśmy o tym, co było, jak sytuacja...
I graduated from University of Rzeszów in Mathematics. I participated in numerous courses and trainings in Poland and abroad as far as use of Science subjects in scientific research and running business are concerned.
I have 15 years of experience as a teacher and Maths lecturer. Since 2017 I have been Maths teacher at High School in Boguchwała and Primary School Monterssori also in Boguchwała.
From 2005 to 2017 I was a lecturer at WSIZ in Rzeszów and Maths teacher in Academic High School in Rzeszów.
Aims and interests:
Since I started working with the youth I have been preparing the most talented students for different types of scientific competitions. My students get top places there. My scientific interests concern the area of effective methods of teaching Maths. I spend my free time with family and friends. I like good books and trips to Polish mountains.
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